Work from anywhere, any time
No one likes applying for jobs
But we've all got to eat. That's why we're building a platform where anyone can pick up paid work to help pay the bills, no matter their situation or prior work experience. Our mission is to give everyone more financial security by making paid work accessible to anyone who needs it.
Learn more
  • Accessible to all
    All our jobs are broken down into bite-sized chunks and assigned to the next person available. There's no selection or interview process, ever.
  • Fair pay first
    We're here to create paid work, not turn a profit. Any money we make is paid out to the worker or goes back into the platform to provide more good work.
  • Hands on help
    Our team checks and edits every task so our workers don't have to. This supportive design means we can include people from all backgrounds and ability levels.
How it works
Skip the job interview
No need to apply, just sign up and tell us when you’ve got some free time.
Work right away
Choose a job you can do right now, we’ll send everything you need for a 3 hour task.
Get paid and go again
We set the rates and get you paid, just don't forget to pay your tax!
Working for you
More talent, less hiring
The fastest and most flexible way to get jobs done when your existing team is stretched to capacity. Think consulting workers, without the big fees.
We handle everything
We take on the management responsibility, including supporting workers, setting rates, and ensuring the final draft meets your high standards.
Diversify your team
Broaden your organisation's horizons by sharing work with people from different backgrounds, who bring different skills and perspectives.
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